Drop the WQXR Needle!

Keva Li, News Editor

Can you guess the piece that is playing?

After scales, arpeggios, and rhythm warm-ups, Mr. Rutkowski “drops the needle.” The class tunes in to WQXR and students listen to a one minute excerpt. Students then try to guess the time period and the composer of the piece. On some occasions, the orchestra and band students hear a piece in the repertoire from previous years and can easily guess the piece. Other times, Mr. Rutkowski reveals the piece and speaks about the composer.

On Dec. 11, Merrin Lazyan of WQXR, New York’s classical music radio station, visited North’s music classes. Ms. Lazyan produces weekly shows and features for WQXR, including “Reflections from the Keyboard,” the “Young Artists Showcase,” and the “Classical Report.” This talented woman co-hosts and co-produces WQXR’s opera podcast, “He Sang/She Sang.”  With her new pilot series “Classical Hero,” she has started to create an audio story of North’s music program. She spent the day observing music classes and interviewing faculty and students for her project.

Stay tuned for the airing date of this program!