With seniors in blue, juniors in green, sophomores in red, and freshmen in yellow, each class arrived at school sporting the color representing their grade. Each class had the opportunity to create their own designs for their t-shirts, allowing their creativity to shine.
This year the senior t-shirt was extremely popular, designed by senior Kaylee Wu. Class t-shirt day is a way to unite each grade, but this especially holds true for the senior class each year. The class of 2025 t-shirt will soon become a keepsake and memory for a majority of this year’s seniors.
“My inspiration behind the senior class t-shirts was the design of Stüssy t-shirts, specifically for the font. I hand drew each and every letter and icon,” said Wu. “I was also inspired by graphic tees in general and the street wear look to them.”
In past years, only a small number of people in the class of 2025 bought a t-shirt. Thanks to Kaylee’s well-liked design, this was the first year where many were interested in purchasing. The senior shirts fully sold out, so an additional order was put in that arrived after class t-shirt day. Unfortunately, students who missed out on the first t-shirt sale were not able to wear the t-shirts on Thursday.

Although seniors sold the most t-shirts, the junior, sophomore and freshman classes came close, as they all almost sold out as well.
During eighth period, the students participated and watched Quiz Bowl. Hosted by English teacher Mr. Gilden, Quiz Bowl has long been one of the most highly anticipated events of Spirit Week, offering a fun and exciting platform for students to showcase their knowledge in a way that stands out from the usual classroom experience.
“I love Quiz Bowl because it lets all the grades combine to show off their knowledge,” said Mr. Meehan. “It gets the crowd going, and is one of the biggest displays of our school and class pride.”
Split into two rounds, the juniors and seniors watched the first round of questions, while the freshmen and sophomores watched the second. In the end, the seniors won with 390 points, and the sophomores came in second with 150 points. The sophomores were impressively able to answer some of the science questions that came their way in the first round.
“There is no real way to prepare for Quiz Bowl because it is based on random trivia,” said sophomore Quiz Bowl participant Adrien Sarfati. “Just by being curious and trying to learn new things, I’m able to remember a lot of random trivia that might be useful in scenarios like this.”
Quiz Bowl questions this year were definitely obscure and random at times, as answers were thrown across the auditorium from eager pop culture enthusiasts. Topics this year varied from science to The Hunger Games and even Olivia Rodrigo. Getting a question right is not easy. While the seniors and sophomores were satisfied, both the juniors and freshman felt let down by their class performance. Some student spectators felt a sense of disappointment in the performance of their classmates.

“I am disappointed in my peers and I hoped to get more points than we did, especially because I know bright students were representing our class,” said junior Maxwell Pour. “Quiz Bowl is one of those events I always look forward to because it’s a chance for our class to shine. Unfortunately, the energy and excitement were dampened this year, and it felt like we just didn’t live up to our potential.”
For freshmen especially, Spirit Week is a whole new experience, as is markedly different from middle school. Events become more exciting, and the competition between classes intensifies. With this increased competition however, Quiz Bowl can become a challenge for freshmen, as the upperclassmen have the upper hand. It is not uncommon for the freshmen to struggle in answering Quiz Bowl questions, as the older grades have an advantage in overall knowledge and experience from taking higher level classes.
“I liked Spirit Week because I got extra credit and it was very fun,” said freshman Jonathan Kitograd. “I liked watching Quiz Bowl even though my grade stunk at it.”
While some classes celebrated victories, and some faced disappointment, the energy of the event surely demonstrated North High pride. This year’s class t-shirt day and Quiz Bowl proved to be a success!