Coolest Classrooms of North High
Ever had a long day at school? The kind of day that seems to drag on and on? With every class feeling like the one before, the lack of variety making the minutes feel like hours. Sure, sometimes it’s the teacher’s fault. After all, who wants to learn about logarithms at eight in the morning? But sometimes it’s because of the environment we learn in, the classroom. When a classroom is basic and boring, it puts students in a dreary mood because there’s nothing interesting in the environment. But when teaching occurs in a unique place, learning becomes easier. Here’s a list of the six coolest, most special classrooms that stood out to us in North High.
BK Arena
You can tell this is a unique classroom the moment you walk inside. The BK Arena doesn’t have rows of tiny desks, but rather a huge spread of seats, each chair equipped with a foldable table space. The chairs are arranged in a curve around the front of the room, and layered in a staircase fashion so that you can see the teacher from every seat. This makes the BK Arena feel like a college lecture hall, elevating the level of attention students give. The BK Arena was dedicated to and named after North High’s former Principal, Bernard Kaplan, after he retired in 2017. Many students are not aware that the classroom used to be an auto shop for the school, which is why the room feels so weirdly close to the ground and faces the parking lot. Students used to be able to learn about car repair and fix up vehicles for a hands-on experience. With an intriguing history and impressive design, the BK Arena is definitely one of the most unique classrooms in North High.

Mr. Gilden’s Classroom
The meeting place for many clubs, Mr. Gilden’s classroom is always bustling with activity during and after school. He personalizes the decorations of his classroom with old Battle posters, Stages posters, and the 10 Grammar Commandments. He prefers to keep his desks arranged in a semi-circle so that he can promote class participation, and keeps a small couch near the front of the classroom for a comfortable spot to sit. Mr. Gilden’s classroom is so memorable, alumni often come in just to revisit him in his environment. Roger Hyman, a freshman at Cornell University and former student of Mr. Gilden’s, explains why he came back to pay his teacher a visit. “I came back to revisit the bonds I created with my high school teachers,” Hyman said. “Mr. Gilden especially has been by my side every year, mentoring me through the college process and every step of high school. I’m so thankful to have him.”

We’re not sure if this counts as a classroom, but it’s attached to one, so close enough… right? The greenhouse can be found in room 110 through a side door on the main classroom. Inside, you’ll be greeted with bright sunlight, warm air, and the comfortable scent of earth. The glass walls of this oasis provide a 360 degree view of the outside world, giving the illusion of being outside without having to feel the cold winter atmosphere. The greenhouse can be used for experimental purposes for courses such as Science Research, or for recreational purposes like Mr. Turk’s mini vegetable garden. Whatever the case, it’s a great place for a change of scenery and relaxation.

Orchestra Room
Come anywhere near the vicinity of the Orchestra Room, and I guarantee you will hear Mr. Rutkowski’s voice thundering through the halls. Either that or harmonious classical music, it honestly depends. The Orchestra room holds countless different types of instruments, from large basses to delicate flutes. The ceiling is much higher than most rooms’, creating a space that allows the music to bounce back down and around the students. Chairs are accompanied by music stands to hold students’ papers, and face the front of the room where the conductor stands. “The way the room is set up is totally different,” junior cello player Judah Nouriyelian said. “It places much more focus on the teacher than in any other regular classroom. But I’m still always scared that Rutkowski will bug and throw a chair at me.”

Community School
When walking by the CS room, most people just get a glimpse of students lounging about in the couches of the backroom. Almost nobody bothers to venture to the other side, where the CS classroom is located. The CS classroom has traditional desks, but arranged in a circle in order to promote discussion-based learning. Students are given cubbies that provide a childish feel to the room while at the same time giving everyone a personal space to keep their belongings. The classroom is full of unique features, including painted murals on the walls, a rustic piano, and random pieces of art created by students. Ms. Ostrover, history teacher for CS, describes how the classroom encourages learning, “We immediately feel more at ease when we come in, which enables in-depth thought and discussions without fear of judgement,” Ostrover said. “It’s nice to have a place within the school that feels more homey than the average classroom.” Bursting with personality and character, the Community School classroom is a different environment that deserves a visit.

Computer Room
While there are many computer based classrooms in North High, the particular one across the library definitely stands out. First of all, there aren’t any normal chairs or tables. Instead, the entire classroom is filled with rolling chairs for the students to use. These contraptions feature a swivel seat, a cup holder, and a compartment to keep your backpack off the floor. Students are also given access to laptops that eliminate the need for computers that plug into the wall, leaving you totally mobile. Computer Science teacher Mr. Cubinski gives his opinion on the new classroom setup, “I was very worried on the first day of class that the rolling chairs would distract my students, but they managed to handle it,” Cubinski said. “I was impressed that they didn’t just turn class time into a game of bumper cars, you know? I think that now I waste a lot less time organizing my students into groups for activities, and I feel like the room feels a lot more open than it used to.” While Mr. Cubinski is optimistic about the new addition to his classroom, he still believes that Mr. Zak is a joke-stealer and couldn’t hack a tree with an axe if he tried.

With all these non traditional classrooms, your everyday math class might seem a lot less appealing. Instead of settling for your average school day in average classrooms, maybe now you’ll explore the unique environments of the different styles of rooms North High has to offer.