The FIDF Carnival: More Than Just a Fundraiser
Fundraiser? More like fun-raiser.
On Sunday, September 15th, Great Neck’s sunny Saddle Rock Park was bustling with students hard at work to help support the Israel Defense Forces.
A carnival including a variety of exciting games, music, food, and sales booths, all profits of the event went directly to the FIDF (Friends of the Israel Defense Forces), an organization dedicated to helping Israel’s soldiers.

Organized by a group of students from Great Neck North High School, the students involved were:
Sophomore Moshe Gavriel explained why he decided to help make a change. “It’s a great cause to give back to the community and to give back to the soldiers and the army that protect the nation of Israel. I felt a part of something bigger than myself.”
Some of the carnival’s many activities consisted of a bouncy castle, ring tosses, dart throwing, a duck pond, a cornhole toss, and raffles. The carnival-goers collected tickets at each game depending on whether they won or lost. These tickets could be used to buy a variety of prizes including Beats headphones and an iPad Pro.
Junior Daniella Cohen describes her most memorable moment from the event as “when town supervisor Judi Bosworth spoke with all of the committee about all of our hard work.”
“Getting involved, knowing that a few hours of my time each week was doing so much for soldiers protecting Israel,” explained Cohen, “Was such a rewarding feeling. It was a hot day, so setting up all the tables at the event was especially difficult, but it was all so worth it with the amazing outcome we had.”

The carnival’s success was also credited to the support of the Great Neck community, which comprised of local businesses, officials, and advisors.
“We got sponsors, some jewelry booths, to come… We also were all assigned to different games and booths to run,” said sophomore Adi Agaeliahu, describing the group’s efforts in organizing the carnival.
Sophomore Moshe Gavriel explained that “Dr. Dan Levy, the mayor of Saddle Rock,” was also of great help to the group because “he allowed us to occupy the park for this cause.”
“It took a lot of planning done by many helpful adults like the Ben-Josefs,” said sophomore Audrey Dilmanian. “The other kids and I had a few meetings where we brainstormed ideas for the carnival and the logistics of everything.” Dilmanian came to the conclusion that “[it] very successful day for the IDF.”
The Carnival was much more than just an ordinary fundraiser. Overall, its results not only helped the Israeli soldiers, but helped bring the Great Neck community closer together. From encouraging families to spend time together while helping out a noble cause, to spreading awareness for the valiant efforts of the Israeli Defense Forces, the carnival truly left its mark on both Great Neck itself and on the Israeli community.

Natasha Khazzam is one of Guide Post’s editors in chief. She enjoys art, writing, learning foreign languages, and is the co-president of the French...