Unity Week Festivities: Pajamas and Class Logos
Unity Week continues to the second day, featuring pajama-clad staff and students and interesting logos.
Without the physical constraints of the stiff jeans and itchy knit sweaters that typically accompany chilly winter months, pajama-clad staff and students were excited to start off the second day of Unity Week cozy and comfortable. But the particularly energetic chatter that filled the halls at North this Tuesday wasn’t only due to the favorable attire associated with Pajama Day. Unlike Spirit Weeks of the past, the Student Organization created a second event for Tuesday’s celebration of Unity Week: the class logo design.
For the logo design event, artists from each grade designed a logo that best represented their respective classes.
Though it was a new addition to the set of Spirit Week events, the logo designs were not much different from the artwork that students normally create for Battle of the Classes. Thus, most artists seemed to be somewhat familiar with the task at hand.
“Our class logo represents our grade because it shows how the most vibrant part of our class comes from the people within it,” senior Mina Nabavian said, referencing the hand-written signatures that were a part of the senior class logo. “All of the unique individuals in our grade come together to create something bigger,” she added.
Junior Hannah Fishman created the Class of 2022 logo envisioning an 80s theme. “I went with a cyberpunk 80s aesthetic to go with the song our class did for Lip Sync,” she said. “I thought I’d be fun to play with the 80s vibe and I also decided to go with really flashy colors because it would bring more attention to the logo design.”
The Student Organization did recognize that this year with COVID-19, it was harder to come up with engaging events.
“It was really difficult to come up with the different events due to COVID protocols,” said Ms. Healy, a Student Organization advisor. “The [Student Organization] and class officers had some wonderful ideas…[that attempted] to create a feeling of unity in the building despite the hybrid model…and give the students and staff something to look forward to.”

Luckily, as with previous years, Pajama Day remained a classic event that many students enjoyed.
“I thought it was really nice to have the chance to have Pajama Day,” junior Eden Reznik said. “It was nice to still have these types of events even though we’re not all in school at the same time and we’re all wearing masks.”
Some students humorously explained that they are accustomed to wearing pajamas on a regular basis regardless, as hybrid learning provides them with more freedom to dress as they please on the days they learn remotely.
“I feel like every other day is Pajama Day,” said Sophia Hanover, a junior. “It’s definitely fun to have a specific day designated to wearing pajamas, though.”
Shayla Bakhshi is one of Guide Post’s editors in chief. She is also a part of the GNN varsity cheerleading team. Shayla is the president of SADD (Students...

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