Staff Profile: Ms. Moody—Celebrating 50 Dedicated Years at North High

Ms. Moody pictured in the North High commons.
If you’ve ever walked through the Commons during lunch, you’ve probably noticed Ms. Moody: a small, brown-eyed woman with a gentle disposition and a peaceful yet authoritative presence.
At first, her reserved demeanor might lead you to perceive her as quiet and taciturn—but once a topic catches her interest, Ms. Moody’s unusual passion for conversation is one capable of engaging even the most jaded and antisocial of individuals. According to Ms. Moody, this love for interacting with those around her is one of the primary reasons why she looks forward to coming to North High every day. First hired in 1971, Ms. Moody celebrates her 50th year in the Great Neck Public School District this school year.
Ms. Moody’s fifty-year-long-and-counting career began, quite simply, with an ad in a newspaper, which advertised an available position for school monitor at North High. “I like working with young people and thought it would be a great job to have, working in a school,” she said matter-of-factly.” So I applied and they hired me.” Ms. Moody’s duties as a mother also pushed her to apply for jobs with more flexible time frames. “The hours I was offered [by the district] allowed me to spend more time with my daughter, who I was raising at the time,” she explained.

In her time at North High—during which she has worked under the supervision of seven total different principals—Ms. Moody has helped organize special events, proctor SAT exams and prepare for graduation. Apart from her contributions outside of the school day, Ms. Moody’s typical workday routine includes monitoring both the commons and the hallways throughout the school.
For Ms. Moody, it’s not just daily duties that make her job purposeful; it’s the students. “I like to help people,” she explained. Whether it be providing directions or useful advice, Ms. Moody dedicates a significant chunk of her time on the job to helping and supporting students throughout their high school journeys. “I also like to support some of the fundraising events that students do to help the less fortunate,” she added. “Since I’ve been here, many students will sell things to raise money for good causes.”
Ms. Moody’s dedication to helping those within her community is a prevalent part of her personal life as well. “Over the years I really enjoyed volunteering to feed the homeless and raising money for cancer societies because I like helping people,” she said.

But as any educator knows, the most gratifying part of interacting with students happens years after they graduate: watching how students’ high school experiences have helped shape their futures, and oftentimes, propelled them into successful career paths that have influenced their lives and the lives of those around them. A firm believer in this idea, Ms. Moody touched upon the strong sense of fulfillment that she feels as a product of her role within our community.
“I watched thousands of students graduate and become adults who never forgot the times when I helped them or reminded them of the importance of education.”
For almost 50 years, Ms. Moody has observed and assisted students to grow, learn, and become better versions of themselves in the process. Her contributions to the district have shaped both North High as well as the Great Neck community in its entirety, helping to foster a more unified and collaborative environment in which every member plays an indispensable role.

Natasha Khazzam is one of Guide Post’s editors in chief. She enjoys art, writing, learning foreign languages, and is the co-president of the French...
Wanda Corley • Jun 17, 2021 at 10:25 am
I was just about Me Moody the other day with my sister Annette Corley -Weaver. We we’re wondering how she was doing . Thank You for the beautiful artical
Janet L Saltzman • Jun 17, 2021 at 8:31 am
OMG I barely can think of the name of any adults at GNN. But if you ask who stands out the most it it Ms. Moody! And I used to think her name was so appropriate. First she would be yelling at us for smoking on the lawn, then break into a warm smile and have nice chat with us. Loved her. Hope she sees the post! I’m 63 and still remember her fondly.
Suzanne Taffet • Jun 16, 2021 at 10:41 pm
I remember Ms Moody very well and I graduated in 1976 from Great Neck North HS. She is just like I remember her. She was always there wherever students gathered. All the kids loved and trusted her. She had a great sense of humor and didn’t take any nonsense. She worked hard and we knew it was because she cared about us. God bless Ms. Moody. Great article!
Debra Feldman borden • Jun 16, 2021 at 9:28 pm
Miss moody was such a prominent presence in our lives at GNN. From 72 to 75 that we wrote a song that included how ‘miss moody’. Would chase us off the front lawn and make us put out our cigarettes! I was both scared by her and impressed by her! Hard to believe it was 50 years ago!! I can still feel that rush of adrenaline seeing her coming and all of us saying ‘uh oh we gotta go!’ Much love and all the best to her! Memories!!!
Ketty Arreaza-Coyle • Apr 30, 2021 at 12:59 am
It is just to bad dear Natasha, that I live far away and cannot meet Ms. Moody. From your keen, rich description of her career, her life, to a significant degree, she is what every teacher should be: Subject matter is not enough, it is what you can offer at other levels, as you mention in her profile. She is still young so how fortunate those who can benefit from her educational spell…
I am so proud of you, of your use of language, and you perceptions. Thank you!
Love you, and keep writing please,
Safta Ketty
Mike Phoenix • Apr 29, 2021 at 4:04 pm
This was a very well-written article, nice job!
joel rothman • Apr 29, 2021 at 12:55 pm
Natasha–I read your article and was astounded at how maturely you write. If I didn’t know beforehand I would never have believed it was written by someone so young. You truly have a wonderful talent for writing, just like your mother. I’ll be showing this article to all my friends–I’m very proud to be your grandpa–love, Joel
Jessica Lee Smith • Apr 28, 2021 at 11:21 am
Ms Moody Is one of the best things about that school. They need to give her a very much deserved raise. She’s an absolute Jewel
Arlene Milledge • Apr 28, 2021 at 5:54 am
Thank for the article on my auntie, Ms. Aneta Moody, she’s a trooper and a great role model for our family here in Blackshear GA, we’re very happy for her,