Spirit Week is one exciting and memorable week. This year, Spirit Week consists of Pajama Day and Pie Eating, Tie-Dye Day and Tug of War, Country Club vs. Country and Hallway Battle, Class T-Shirt Day and Quiz Bowl, and finally, Blazer Day and Pep Rally.
Sophomores wearing their pajamas during lunch at Dunkin Donuts (Credit: Emma Lavian).
Junior Emily Kashi said, “I like watching my friends eat pie after school. It’s really funny and entertaining.” Kashi continued, “Going to school is so so fun and I’m always comfy on this day. I love matching with my friends.”
Pajama Day is the coziest of them all. Students match pajamas with their friends to school. On this day, students are allowed to show their comfy side. The fun does not stop just for the students, teachers get to participate as well. Everyone shows their passion for school spirit by starting the week off strong with pajamas.

English teacher Mr. Hartwig said, “I love Spirit Week. The lead up to Homecoming is a great opportunity for us to come together as a school community.” Mr. Hartwig continued, “It’s exciting to come to school and see everyone’s creativity on display. And a Pajama Day on a rainy Monday? Yes please.”
After being comfortable all day there was a pie eating contest outside on the front lawn. Two students from each grade participated in the contest. One boy and one girl from each grade ate pie with no hands.Students, teachers and faculty members look forward to the laughs and giggles at the end of the day.

Junior Maya Salim said, “I feel that the fun activities on Spirit Week bring everyone together.” Salim continued, “But, I wish our school would do more of these events throughout the year as well.”
Overall, North High students, teachers, and faculty members love this day. It is the comfiest day of the year. The first day of Spirit Week can only lead to more enthusiasm and excitement.