One beloved Spirit Week tradition at North High is Class T-Shirt Day. The class T-shirts are a great way to unite each class with their own color theme and design. Each grade wears a different color, the freshmen wearing yellow, sophomores wearing red, juniors wearing green, and seniors wearing blue.

The class shirts are designed by students of North High, making for some fun and creative looks. For example, this year the juniors wore a shirt that read “Junior Joyride” with a roller coaster design. In addition, the senior’s came up with the theme “Sandler Seniors”, referencing the comedy actor Adam Sandler.
“I loved the Adam Sandler theme,” said senior Noa Pourmoradi. “I like how everyone in the grade came together and represented each other.”
Many wore their respective color in different ways, even if they did not purchase their grade shirt.
Junior Kate Lu said, “Even the juniors who didn’t buy it still wore green and participated”.

In addition to the class T-shirts, the annual Spirit Week Quiz Bowl presented students eager to share their knowledge and spirit with the school community. The Quiz Bowl commenced with advisor Mr. Gilden introducing the competition and its rules.
The students begin each set of questions with a toss up question every team can buzz in. If correct, the team wins ten points with the opportunity of a bonus question. If the team answers incorrectly they lose five points and the other team can answer the question.

With senior Jules Sander representing the team, the seniors scored the first ten points from the toss up and scored the multipart follow up bonuses. The senior team held first place during the first half of the competition, which was spectated by their fellow junior and senior peers.
The topics of the questions varied from history, to chemistry, to Taylor Swift, and even “Stranger Things”. This diversity in questions allowed the quiz to apply to all students in academic and pop-cultural references.
At the end of the first half, the scores were as follows: seniors with two hundred twenty five points, juniors with one hundred sixty five points, freshmen with forty points, and sophomores with twenty points. However, by the end of the second half, the junior team, represented by junior Logan Ye, continued to score more points, catching up with the seniors. Eventually, the junior team and senior team were neck and neck, but the juniors ultimately pulled through with the win.