Throughout this past month, you have probably noticed the countless posters plastered in the halls, in the classrooms, and even on the ceiling of the BK Arena. From quotes like “Don’t be Alone, Vote Ribosome,” to memes transformed into paraphernalia roasting the tropical rainforest, these flyers are beyond creative, but not everyone knows the reason behind all of this decoration.
Each year, the science hallways are turned into campaign sites as North High’s AP Biology and AP Environmental Science (APES) classes hold their annual elections. While AP Biology students campaign for chosen cellular organelles, APES students campaign for their chosen biomes. These elections are part of a class project, where students work in groups to research a specific organelle and campaign for its importance to the class. Organelles are subcellular structures with specific functions within a cell.

With around a week to prepare, students hang up flyers, create campaign posters, and distribute merchandise relating to their candidate. Many chose to get creative: candy, custom stickers, and even 3D-printed organelle models were among the materials students used to sway their classmates’ votes.
Creativity was key in these elections. Junior Izzy Ku stated, “The organelle election project was overall so fun to do; for my group’s organelle, we even decided to use the library’s new 3D printer and sticker maker to make things interesting.” She continued, “I think that’s also one of the main reasons we managed to win the election.”
However, creativity was not the only factor that was evaluated. In AP Bio, the each group’s campaign poster illustrated the importance of their organelle and offering criticism of others. Many stood out from the rest, utilizing bold graphics and even memes to draw support for their organelle. These posters were then hung in science classrooms and throughout the hallway.

After all aspects of the assignment were completed, the students from each class period voted for the “best” organelle, with the winning group receiving a prize made by Mrs. Knacke herself. Students were not permitted to vote for their own organelle.
There was a common sentiment among the science students when it came to this project, describing it as a fun way to familiarize themselves with the class material while still being enjoyable.
“My partner and I were proud to experience a new type of project that we had really never experienced before, and it was a great way to learn about the organelles in a fun way,” said junior Michael Leung. He continued, “It boosted classroom morale and allowed us to experience something fun in a normally intensive class.”
While AP Biology is known for being one of the hardest AP classes offered at North High, many students expressed that despite its challenging aspects, they enjoy being part of the class.

“Although AP Biology is a difficult class, so far I am glad that I chose to take it,” said Junior Zoe Chung. She continued, “Mrs. Knacke is a great teacher and it makes it all worthwhile.”
The senior class, APES also participates in an election; instead of voting for the best cell organelle, students campaign and vote for the best biome found on our planet. These elections are the perfect way for students to learn about critical topics in both science courses.
The elections project is an interesting and unique way for students to learn parts of their AP curriculums. With more recognition, this project may spread into other AP classes, allowing for an academically diverse range of participants. Those interested in taking AP Biology or AP Environmental Science in the future should especially look forward to this project and to a fun, challenging, and rewarding experience in the course.