You are sitting at your desk, knowing you have so much to study for but can’t get yourself to start- we have all been there. That feeling of procrastination is horrible as the time continues to tick away. Believe it or not, aesthetic note-taking is the perfect solution. Here are some pro tips to help you excel.

1. Stay organized.
When writing on paper or on your iPad, you want to make sure everything is organized to a tee. Headers are the key and start with your notes so start with that! Then, continue with bullet points about that topic written in your header. To make it even more fun, you can color code headers and subheaders: consistency makes all the difference.
Junior Layla Pourmoradi said, “Especially as a junior, I make sure I study well and take good notes. I prefer taking notes on the iPad because that is what I am used to since we learn on the iPad.”
2. Color!!!
Not only does color coding look aesthetically pleasing, it also helps with memorization. Sticking to 2-3 coordinated colors makes your notes look appealing and cohesive. Grouping certain topics within notes to colors helps memorize and group the organized notes better.

3. Throw out the blank paper.
Lines or even graph paper (for math) all provide lines, guidance, organization, and steady neatness for your notes. This will help your notes look straight and organized. Using this type of paper there is no worry about your notes coming out crooked or sloppy. Leave some place between your topics as well, you never know when you may need to add some extra details!
4. Let your creativity shine– through doodling!
Drawing images that have to do with the topic you are writing about next to your bullet points helps with memorization. Make images small and concise to help with your memory. Taking time to doodle a quick drawing can also keep your mind active, helping you in the long run. Besides, art is always more memorable than a boring lecture!
5. iPad vs Paper?
The question of whether digital or paper notes are better is a highly debated one. On the iPad, the wide spectrum of options such as different paper options, colors, and templates allows users to take high quality and intricate notes. On paper, the familiarity of a pen on paper is something that cannot be replicated with an iPad.

Junior Aava Glickman said, “When I study for paper tests, I prefer the iPad. When I am studying vocab words or something I always use a quizlet instead of actual flash cards.”
Social studies teacher Mr. Ragot, known for his “old school” teaching style, ensures that all students have paper, a binder, and pen when they walk into class everyday. “I enforce paper notes due to my observations of and research into learning with the use of iPads,” he said. “At first, when we had the iPads, I introduced them as a supplement to using paper. They are great for distributing documents and images to students.”
There is an immense amount of research that has been conducted on the effectiveness of digital notes in recent years. Ragot said, “Research shows that taking notes by hand increases retention and understanding of the material while typing results in more accurate notes.” He explains that despite accuracy, typed notes lead to less retention.
“In the end I have students take notes on paper because I want what is best for the students. To have a tactile feel of paper, to learn and organize material better, to be less distracted, and above all to become better students,” Ragot said.
“And hey, if nobody made students use paper, they wouldn’t have the opportunity to know whether or not they benefit from it. Unfortunately, I have to be stubborn about it so that students try it.”