It can’t be just me who misses waking up in the morning to a foot of fresh snow and an email saying that there’s a snow day. It is my junior year and that has yet to happen in my high school career. This leads me to wonder: What is going on with the weather in New York? And why am I wearing a T-shirt in December?
“Over the past few school years, we haven’t really had any snow days,” said junior Jade Nabavian, “Each year, winter seems a bit warmer with less of a chance for a snow day.”
The winter months are just not the same anymore, and we would be kidding ourselves if we said that they were. We get a little flurry here and there, and then it gets rained out. In recent weeks we just experienced our first taste of snowfall again (snow that actually stuck to the ground), but only had a delayed opening.
This recognizable difference in weather can be attributed to climate change. Scientific studies have indicated that the northeastern United States, including New York, has experienced warming trends over the past few decades. These trends can affect the characteristics of winters, leading to milder temperatures on average.

The annual statewide average temperature in New York has warmed 3°F since 1970, and is projected to rise as much as another 3°F by 2080.
This may not seem like a big deal, but it has proven to make an impact on the environment. New York has already experienced extreme events such as heat waves due to climate change.

Recently we have experienced some snowy weather, and although North High did not have a snow day, we did have a delayed opening the following day due to icy conditions. Some students felt as though we should have used up a snow day altogether.
“As I was making my way to school, I slipped hard and fell on the ice,” said junior Ori Geula. “If school weren’t in session, I would not have been in pain”.
North High has built in snow days to our calendar year, and when they are not used, we end up “losing” those days.
“Since we have built in snow days I believe that if we don’t use them we should be able to use those days to add on to spring break,” said sophomore Lea Eshagoff.
When asking Assistant Principal Mr. Levine his viewpoint on this issue, he expressed that our snow days are a result of changes in the environment. We have not had any significant winters in quite some time.
“If we don’t have significant winters and we don’t have the kind of snowfall that poses a problem to school getting started, we are going to have less snow days,” said Mr. Levine.
He does not believe that there will be a change in the amount of snow days that we have built into the year, as the school needs to remain prepared.
“You never do know when Mother Nature is going to show her wrath and dump a lot of snow on us in any given year,” Mr. Levine continued.

While climate change tends to show a general warming of the planet, individual seasons and years can still exhibit variability. It is important to keep in mind that specific weather events, such as unusually cold winters, can still occur within the broader context of a warming climate. Over extended periods, the influence of climate change can become more evident.
For now, we can still hope for another snowstorm this winter season. The next time you see snow on the forecast, be sure to wear your pajamas inside out, and put a spoon under your pillow!