The Super Bowl delivers memorable commercials every year and this year was no exception. From action-packed mini-movies to comedic puns transformed into entire advertisements to flat out ridiculous premises, Super Bowl LVII did not disappoint. Here are Guide Post Daily’s top five Super Bowl LVII commercials for your viewing pleasure.
5. Pluto TV – Pluto TV Couch Potato Farms
Starting off the list is Pluto TV, whose Super Bowl ad presented viewers with a hilarious scenario, showing rows and rows of healthy couch potatoes grown off the rich soil and nutritious content of the various titles the streaming service boasts.

In various shots, couch potatoes, plus a bonus couch potato cat, point out the myriad of genres and shows they grow on as the camera pans over a wide field of potatoes enjoying their shows, from Star Trek to Spongebob. Meanwhile, the couch potato farmers endorse the “fine content” of Pluto TV’s titles that produce their bountiful crop. Overall, the creative use of the “couch potato” phrase earns this Pluto TV ad a place on our list.
4. Popeyes – The Wait Is Over
In Popeye’s comedic ad about their chicken wings, comedian and actor Ken Jeong cryogenically freezes himself for 50 years in order to experience the fully developed, signature tastes of Popeyes’ new chicken wings.

The following shots feature Jeong’s reaction to the modern marvels (and horrors) of electric scooters, self-driving cars, fleets of delivery drones, and Roombas. And of course, to top it all off, is Popeye’s iconic slogan of “Love that chicken from Popeyes.”
“I think the ads were very funny and memorable, especially the Popeyes and Dunkin’ Donut ads, because they were both funny and creative,” said junior Rianna Liu. “I also really like the Pluto ad because of their couch potato idea.”
3. CeraVe – “Michael CeraVe”
In this widely discomforting and sarcastic commercial of Michael Cera promoting CeraVe lotion as “his cream,” skincare product advertisements are vehemently mocked as Cera speaks sensually and satirically endorses the product. With out of place adjectives like “Generosity” flying up on screen to poke fun at the disproportionately excessive nature of these ads, Cera does impossible stunts like climbing a mountain with the lotion as a grip.
“I believe that showing… a lotion commercial on a larger platform, in this instance the Super Bowl, is extremely relatable to much of the audience,” said junior Addison Chiu. “This practice should absolutely be continued on more platforms.”
Cera’s sensual overtones and out-of-whack behavior like talking to a dolphin as perturbingly calm music plays in the background or speaking to the CeraVe container directly serve to set up the punchline of the commercial as Cera pitches this blatantly uncomfortable video to a CeraVe marketing team to deadpan and concerned stares. The advertisement is definitely memorable and made plenty of viewers laugh, and as the commercial ended with confirmation that CeraVe is in fact not made by Cera, the viewer is left with a positive impression as the pun lands successfully.
2. Hellmann’s – Mayo Cat
Second place goes to Hellmann’s ad for their mayonnaise, featuring an unsuspecting endorsement: Mayo Cat. Kate McKinnon stars in the commercial where her cat meows in response to an offhand remark of hers, which she and the rest of the world hilariously misinterpret as an utterance of the word “mayo,” sending the ad into a cascade of cameos.
Mayo Cat goes on adventures in its stardom as it goes onto Good Morning America, somehow signs books as the slogan “Make Taste, not Waste” is displayed in the background, and has a photoshoot. Mayo Cat incredibly features on billboards in globally recognizable city centers, attends a political summit in Geneva, and references celebrity relationship drama when it breaks up with Pete Davidson and makes it on a magazine cover. The ad stuck in the viewers’ minds for its whimsy and implicit ability to associate Hellmann’s with the beloved Mayo Cat.

1. Doritos Dinamita – Dina & Mita
To finish off the list, we have Doritos’ action-packed promotion of their Dinamita Chile Limon chips, featuring a riveting chase, punchy jokes, and fan-favorite celebrity Jenna Ortega. The premise was simple but effective: Everybody wants Doritos Dinamita and they’re willing to fight for it. We follow the elderly dynamic duo of Dina (played by Oliva Negron) and Mita (played by Patricia Mauceri) as they chase down Danny Ramirez for the coveted bag of chips, breaking into apartments and using scooters as impromptu ziplines.
“The grandmas had a lot of durability,” sophomore Evan Wang said. “[The ad was] very innovative and fun to watch.”
This chase is topped by Dina and Mita’s iconic response of “It’s not dynamite, it’s Dinamita” when they successfully attain the Doritos, only for Ortega to claim the hard-earned chips. All in all, the ad makes for a thrilling mini action movie full of comedic scenes.
Those were our picks for the top five Super Bowl LVII commercials. Comment to let us know if you agree with us and what your favorites were!