23 Pieces of Advice from Students at GNNHS in 2023

We asked 23 Great Neck North High School students, “What was the best advice you ever received?” From these responses, we were able to reflect on the lifetime and 2023 school year of many students. As the school year comes to a close, it is essential to investigate important life lessons that guide us through our lives.

If you’re looking for advice, you found the right place (Credit: Google Images).
If you’re looking for advice, you found the right place (Credit: Google Images).

As the school year of 2023 comes to an end, it is important to reflect on what we have learned throughout this year as well as our lifetime. Advice is defined as the guidance offered with regard to future action. Whether you receive advice from a teacher, parent, or celebrity, it is always given with good intentions for the time to come. Twenty-three students at Great Neck North High were asked what was the best advice they ever received. Here’s how they responded.


Without a doubt, the transition from middle school to high school is not easy for everyone. In middle school we had a closed campus, homeroom, and no phones. High school brings more freedom, whether you are considering open campus, or not asking your teacher to go to the bathroom. Hopefully the advisory program easened this adjustment, as the freshmen were guided by experienced junior peer leaders. 

  1. Lia Tselebis: “The best advice I ever received is ‘Be yourself.’”
  2. Zach Musheyev: “Don’t blink twice because it’ll be over in a heartbeat. This year was like a roller coaster, but definitely one to remember.”
  3. Amalya Malekan: “Stick up for yourself and don’t let people walk all over you.”
Reach out to upperclassmen, teachers or your friends for help or advice (Google Images).
Reach out to upperclassmen, teachers or your friends for help or advice (Google Images).


Sophomore year is known as the filler year of high school. Students are not as busy with a big adjustment, APs, or college as freshmen, sophomores, or seniors. Regardless, sophomore year is still significant to the high school experience, as it gives time for students to focus on themselves. During tenth grade, students typically develop new passions, realize their true friends, and become more involved in the school community. Additionally, habits emerge this year that will be continued for the rest of high school. Students will be able to pursue these new developed interests in junior and senior year. 

  1. Lily Adzhiashvili: “Never give up, or else you won’t succeed. It will always be in the back of your mind, ‘what if I never gave up?’”
  2. Alex Amir: “I keep Tupac’s advice in mind, ‘I know what good morals are, but you’re supposed to disregard good morals when you’re living in a crazy, bad world. If you’re in hell, how can you live like an angel? You’re surrounded by devils, trying to be an angel? That’s like suicide.’”
  3. Jessica Ong: “The best advice I received was ‘School isn’t the only path in life.’”
  4. Sabrina Bowen: “Stretch everyday— especially if you’re a skater.”
  5. Logan Ye: “Nobody cares, go to work.”


Junior year is notorious for being the hardest year of high school. Students have to balance APs, extracurriculars, and leadership positions during this integral year for college. Junior year is close to the finish line of high school, and juniors have to make sure that their grades are pristine for their transcripts. Many late nights have been spent studying for tests and doing homework for these juniors. Although eleventh grade appears to have a heavy workload, this is when students begin to find their “people,” as they begin restricting themselves to classes of interest. Cooperation amongst peers was essential for this year, as hard classes required students to work with each other for help. 

  1. Lilian Wu: “The best advice I ever received was probably to be fully present and not dwell on the past. If I’m honest, I sometimes still find myself wishing I could turn back time; however, acknowledging this fault and simply moving on is what this piece of advice has aided me with.”
  2. Noa Pourmoradi: “My mommy says, ‘Everything you need is already inside of you.’”
  3. Sue Zhang: “In something-billion years, the sun is going to burn up, and no one will remember any of the embarrassing things you did.”
  4. Alexandra Abramson: “Time fixes everything.”
  5. Caileen Makani: “Breathe, if you stop breathing you stop thinking.” 
  6. Molly Nasiri: “Work on being in love with the person in the mirror who has been through so much but is still standing.”
  7. Adrian Shiu: “Do better.”
  8. Michelle Kui: “Be confident in yourself and work because at the end of the day, it’s the best you can do.”
  9. Hailey Wong: “It’s not that deep.”
If this article helped you out, give us advice on whether we should continue these polls of advice! (Credit: Google Images)
If this article helped you out, give us advice on whether we should continue these polls of advice! (Credit: Google Images)


Class of 2023 is one of the last classes to be affected by COVID during high school. Their extreme endurance and perseverance was illustrated by the results of college admissions. During this year, seniors have to balance college admissions, and hard classes. Their first two quarters consisted of hard work, as these were the last grades that colleges will see. Senior year consisted of many school events including their first Battle of the Classes and Prom. We will miss the seniors a lot, and we commend them for their perseverance through hard times, support for the underclassmen, and dedication to education!

  1. Katherine Sun: “‘If you know everything, there’s no surprises. Live life with a little mystery, so you won’t despise it.’ – President Ethan Dayani”
  2. Liora Kaya: “Don’t be afraid to be yourself.”
  3. Carolina Swiatkowska: “Live in the moment.”
  4. Dani Kobrick: “I don’t personally believe in giving advice because you can give the best piece of advice ever, but it’s up for the person you give it to. I think people need to be more strategic when giving advice. They need to find sincere people that will use the advice. But that’s just my advice!”
  5. Julie Sun: “You should know your own limits. You should know whether or not doing something is overextending yourself.” 
  6. Jordan Mayorga: “Enjoy each day, and not worry so much about the future.”