What’s New With This Year’s S.O. Council
At the end of last year, votes were cast for the Student Office (S.O.) Council for the 2021-22 school year. After multiple disputes over the validity of the election, this year’s officers were officially selected. The results are as follows:
President: Sahar Tartak
Vice-President: Dylan Kohanim
Secretary: Juliette Ahdoot and Matthew Mah
Treasurer: Matthew Nejat
Speaker: Eden Fouladi
The S.O. officers are optimistic about this year as they plan to successfully reinstate the numerous school traditions—Spirit Week, for instance—that were deterred by the pandemic. Particularly in response to last year’s unconventional social and academic environment, North’s officers also hope to encourage students to embrace their school spirit.
Many officers have new ideas as to how they plan to improve the upcoming school year. “I hope to organize many unique fundraising events to help our school maximize profits,” said Matthew Nejat.
President Sahar Tartak offered insight into how S.O. will run this year. “I’m going to prioritize S.O. being student-led, increase transparency, and [offer students] more opportunities to get involved,” she said. “We’ll be directly including students in future S.O. activities and meetings, which we haven’t done before… Ultimately, the goal is to promote democratic values and a positive school spirit at North.”
Adding onto Tartak’s sentiment, Secretary Matthew Mah clarified his aspirations for the coming year. “I ran for S.O. on a campaign of ‘student involvement.’ For those adept in American history, I would compare it to some form of Jacksonian populism at the most local level possible,” he added humorously. “The point is that I promised students a voice in S.O. that would represent their interest and I plan to keep my word.”
S.O. has set impressive goals for the upcoming school year—but Mah admitted that more planning is still necessary. “We do not currently have a definite plan on executing matters [such as allowing all students into regular S.O. Meetings, to increase transparency], but there is a clear interest for it and obligation by our school to fulfill such a promissory note,” he said.
Although it is still early in the year, student-officers have exciting plans and applicable incentives that will hopefully strengthen the democratic nature of the S.O. Organization. If students are interested in engaging directly with S.O., they should join the following Google Classroom Code: gij2epu.

Lihie Kalfa is a Senior Managing Editor for Guide Post Online. She is an active member of DECA, the treasurer of the Animal Rights Club, and an officer...